Twenty-eighth National Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation

The main goal of the conference
To promote expansion of contacts among natural science teachers and scientists & increase of the natural science literacy of a society.
The main topics:
- Formal Natural Science Education through Discovery
- Importance of Science and Technology Education
- Development of Process of Natural Science Education at the General School
- Profile Natural Science Education: experience and prospects
- Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Natural Science Education
- Interest of pupils to Natural Sciences and its promoting
- Natural Science Education in 21thCentury: friend or enemy?
- Humanistic and Cultural aspects of Natural Science Education
- The Human beingand the Nature: interaction as a subject of Natural Science Education
- Quality of Natural Science Education
- Vizualization in Natural Science Education etc.
Organizing Committee
Prof. dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas, SMC “Scientia Educologica”
Committee members:
- Prof. Dr. Rita Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, Vilnius University
- Dr. Laima Railienė, SMC “Scientia Educologica
- Judita Stankutė, Michael Oginsky School of Art
- Augustas Uktveris, Centre of Ecological Education
- Doc. dr. Aušra Kynienė, Vilnius University
Editorial board:
- Prof. dr. Andris Broks, University of Latvia, Latvia
- Prof. dr. Dagnija Cedere, University of Latvia, Latvia
- Prof. dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas, Vilnius University, Lithuania
- Doc. dr. Rita Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, Vilnius University, Lithuania
- Dr. Naglis Švickus, MMC „Scientia Educologica“, Lithuania
- Dr. Laima Railienė, MMC „Scientia Educologica“, Lithuania
The Place of the Conference
Online conference. It will be held remotely in the Microsoft Teams application and Skype application (mainly for workshops), in addition.
Registration: 15 April 2022
Submitting manuscripts: 15 May 2022
Revising manuscripts, contacting authors: 30 May 2022
The conference: 29-30 April 2022
Participation fee: n/a
Publication (APC): 60 EUR
SMC “Scientia Educologica”, ID: 195736971, Donelaicio Street 29,
Siauliai, Lithuania. VAT is not applicable.
IBAN: LT327300010002393343
„SWEDBANK“, AB, Konstitucijos Street 20A, Vilnius, Lithuania; SWIFT: HABALT22.
Lithuanian is the main language of the conference. Presentation during the conference can be delivered in English and/or Russian.
Those intending to attend the conference must send a free-form application by e-mail. (Registration is closed). The exact title of the report and its authors shall be indicated.
E-mail address:
- scientific articles.Structure of the scientific publication: introduction (a problem and a urgency of research, scientific novelty, the brief review of scientific researches of other authors on the same problem, the purpose and methodology of the given research, results and conclusions, the list of the literature and the summary (0,5 p.) in English.
- methodical articles. Structure of methodical publication: introduction (a problem, a urgency of clause, very brief review of other authors on the same pedagogical problem, the purpose of clause (if research – questions of research or hypotheses), the basic part of clause (personal pedagogical experience of the author, results of research is described pedagogical, if article is connected with pedagogical research), brief generalization told in the basic part (if results of research – conclusions of research) are presented, to the recommendation, the list of the literature and the resume in English (0,5 p.).
- on the first page of article the name is written. Under the name through one line – a name and a surname of the author;
- the Summary is written in the end of clause; in the end of the Summary some keywords;
- volume of manuscript: 4-10 pages;
- the text is typed by text editor PC Windows (V7.0, Word 98), ” Times New Roman “, 12 pt., an interval between lines normal;
- the name of author and article 14 pt. ;
- all tables, pictures are numbered; to all tables the name which explains is given: Table 1, Figure 1;
- at citing other authors in the text of article the surname of the author without a name, a comma and year of release of the publication, for example, (Miller, 2003) is written. In that cases, when the surname of the author is mentioned in the text, after it year is written only, for example, in Melnik’s (2003) opinion, etc. In cases of the exact citation after a year of release, the page of the citation (1999, p.25) or (Miller, 1999, р.25) it is written also;
- the list of the literature is made alphabetically (Table 1, Figure 1).
Some examples of the description of the bibliography
Lamanauskas V. (2004). Natural science education in contemporary school. Siauliai: Siauliai University Press
Journal article
Bilek, M., Slaby, A. (2005). Chemistry as part of primary science education at time of the new curricular reform in the Czech Republic. In: Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 2 (13), p.5–10.
Lamanauskas, V., Augienė, D. (2014). University student future professional career: Promoting and limiting factors and personal traits. Baltic Journal of Career Education and Management, 2 (1), 6-15.
Lamanauskas, V., & Augienė, D. (2019). Kindergarten teachers’ health literacy: Understanding, significance and improvement aspects. Review of Science, Mathematics & ICT Education, 13(2), 39-60.
Internet source
National Science Education Standards (1996). USA: National Academies Press.
The name of file – yours’ family name, for example “Jonson.doc” .
The manuscript should be send by e-mail
It is recommended to analyze previously published papers:
April 29th
First conference day
Conference opening
12:45 – 13:00.
Rita Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, Vilniaus universitetas, Lietuva
Vincentas Lamanauskas, Mokslinis metodinis centras „Scientia Educologica“, Lietuva
13:00 – 13:25 Malgorzata Nodzynska-Moron.
Non-formal science education in Krakow – beneficiaries (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland)
13:25 – 13:50 Solange W. Locatelli.
The didactic approach of inquiry-based learning with the use of drawings – considerations and notes for future research (Federal University of ABC, Brazil)
13:50 – 14:15 Angela James.
Designing and implementing a STEAM programme for primary school teachers (University of Kwazulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa)
14:15 – 14:40 Martin Bilek.
Computer-assisted experiments in teaching chemistry (Charles University, Czech Republic)
14:40 – 15:00 Dagnija Cedere, Inese Jurgena, Rita Brizina, Sandra Kalnina.
Prospective pre-school teachers` views on STEM learning in grade 9: The principle of continuity in education (University of Latvia, Latvia)
(15:15 – 18:00)
I Sekcija: Ikimokyklinis ir pradinis gamtamokslinis ugdymas
Vadovas: Doc. dr. Rita Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė
- Bakšienė Rita, Uždavinienė Irina. Integruotas lietuvių kalbos ir užsienio kalbos (vokiečių) dalykų mokymas(is) pradiniame ugdyme (Vilniaus Trakų Vokės gimnazija, Lietuva)
- Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė Rita, Miklaševičiūtė Diana. Žmogaus organų sistemos. Kaip su jomis susipažįsta 3 klasės mokiniai? (Vilniaus universitetas; Vaikų meninė studija „Diemedis“, Lietuva)
- Jacevičienė Rūta, Vežbickienė Irena, Ladišienė Marija. Vaiko tvarus ryšys su gamta ir atidumas mus supančiai aplinkai: įsiklausymas ir paprastumas (Vilniaus lopšelis-darželis „Viltenė“, Lietuva)
- Vėželytė Ramunė, Grabliauskienė Birutė. Gamtotyra žaliojoje edukacinėje erdvėje (Vilniaus lopšelis-darželis ,,Žvangutis”, Lietuva)
- Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė Rita, Pupeikienė Jurgita. Orientavimasis aplinkoje ir jos pažinimas: veiklos įvairovės ir mokymosi bendradarbiaujant aspektai (Vilniaus universitetas, Lietuva)
- Verbickienė Kazė. Pradinių klasių mokinių sąlytis su gamta: pažinimo problema ir edukacinės perspektyvos (Vilniaus kolegija, Lietuva)
- Stulpinienė Rita. Vaikų (ir ne tik) patirtinis ugdymas(is) žaliųjų erdvių stotelėse (Vilniaus lopšelis-darželis „Rūta”, Lietuva)
- Savičienė Danguolė. Tvarus mokinių patirtinis ugdymas(is) STEAM mokslų projekte „Oksidacijos brėžinys“ (Visagino “Verdenės” gimnazija, Lietuva)
- Mituzienė Danguolė. Žalioji savaitė – gamtamokslinis ugdymas (Vilniaus Jono Basanavičiaus progimnazija, Lietuva)
II Sekcija: Gamtamokslinis ugdymas progimnazijoje/gimnazijoje ir aukštojoje mokykloje
Vadovas: Prof. dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas
- Moodley Radhakrishnan, James Angela. Awakening to the possibilities of meaningful change (University of Kwazulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa)
- Chystiakova Liudmyla. Development of ecological education in Ukraine: school aspect (Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
- James Angela, Hebe Headman, Shava Soul, Sikhosana Lettah. Conceptual and Theoretical aspects of Researching Natural Science Education (University of South Africa, Republic of South Africa)
- Bieliauskaitė Eugenija, Kriaučiūnaitė Virginija. Mokinių kompetencijų ugdymas Erasmus + mobilumo veiklų tarptautiniame projekte “Veikdamas nedaug – darai pokyčius” (Vilniaus Gabijos progimnazija, Lietuva)
- Kmitienė Giedrė. Tyrinėjimais grįsti gamtamokslinio ugdymo takai (Profesinio mokymo centras „Žirmūnai“, Lietuva)
- Rudnickaitė Eugenija. Geologijos mokslo populiarinimas bei neformalus gamtamokslinis ugdymas VU Geologijos muziejuje: iššūkiai, problemos, galimybės, patirtis (Vilniaus universitetas, Lietuva)
- Marazienė Rūta, Ališauskienė Kristina. Gamtos ir žmogaus bendrystė – interaktyviam patirtiniam mokymuisi! (Kauno šv.Kazimiero progimnazija, Lietuva)
- Stankevičiūtė Jolanta. Gamtamokslinio ugdymo patirtis su moksleiviais VDU ŽŪA Miškų ir ekologijos fakultete (VDU Žemės ūkio akademija, Lietuva)
- Vardauskaitė Skirmantė. Fizikos praktiniai darbai panaudojant išmanųjį telefoną (Kauno Palemono gimnazija, Lietuva)
- Lamanauskas Vincentas. Tarptautinio projekto „Bridge2Teach“ rezultatai (Vilniaus universitetas, Lietuva)
18:00 – 18:15
April 30th
Second conference day
9.15 val. Ryto kava
9.30 – 12.00 val. Seminaras gamtos dalykų mokytojams „Integruotas gamtamokslis ugdymas Lietuvoje: pasiekimai ir ateities perspektyvos“
(Projektas finansuojamas Lietuvos mokslo tarybos Nr. S-REP-21-3). Atlikto tyrimo įžvalgos, rekomendacijos ir išvados.
Seminarą veda VU mokslininkų grupė:
Dr. Aušra Kynienė, Dr. Jurga Turčinavičienė, Dr. Grita Skujienė, Dr. Asta Meškauskienė, Dr. Rita Makarskaitė – Petkevičienė, Vytautas Kavaliauskas, Agnė Girkontaitė
11.45 – 12.00 val. Diskusijos
12.00 – 12.15 val. Konferencijos aptarimas