DOI: 10.48127/gu-nse/12.9.04a

Author's Information
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Iwona Maciejowska

Jagiellonian University - Poland


Volume/Issue :
Volume 9
Issue 2

Article type :


Page No :


Abstract :

Scientific process consists in multiple repetitions of researches in order to verify their results. They are also publicized and undergo the process of criticism and evaluation by the scientific community. The science is the social process in which the scientists con-stantly look at the results of the others’ work, accept them or reject based on the objective criteria. It happens through the review of the text intended for publication as well as publication of polemical and critical texts. Also during the scientific conferences there is a time for discussions among scientists, which influence the direction of the development of a field of knowledge and of the researches. This process was clearly visible during the last few conferences on chemistry and sciences education. During the 22nd ICCE and 11th ECRICE in Rome Prof. Mansoor Niaz noted that in thicker and thicker, 1000-page, containing more and more knowledge textbooks there should be a place (e.g. additional 100 pages) for history of the chemical concepts, including doubts accompanying development of science, illustrating the thesis that it was a very complicated process, not linear at all. In response, Prof. Peter Atkins said that the textbooks did not contain more and more concepts and new knowledge but rather more and more „help“ for students – more examples, exercises, visualizations – models, diagrams, charts which are crucial especially for those, in case of whom English is not the first language. According to him, adding 10% of additional factual knowledge is pointless.

Keywords :

social process, constructivism-based IBSE, IBSE strategy

References :


Cite as :

Maciejowska, I. (2012). Science versus science education. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 9(2), 4-5.