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Marat Akhmetov

Teacher Professional Skills Advancement Institute, Ulyanovsk - Russia


Volume/Issue :
Volume 9
Issue 2

Article type :

Case study

Page No :


Abstract :

Russia develops the state educational system in the direction of an active learning approach. The Federal Educational Standard declares new requirements for teaching in a comprehensive school. The learning activity of students becomes a great significance for the success of both education and life. There are at least two concepts of learning activity. One of these concepts considers learning activity as characteristic of personality. Russian researches T. Shamova and G. Shchukina supposed what learning activity as characteristic of personality includes three lev-els. First level is reproducing activity. If students have some knowledge of chemistry they can achieve second level – interpretative activity. The third level is a creative activity. Learning activity may be improved in secondary and higher education. Researchers in chemical education consider mainly learning activity as an action. Many methods of stimulation learning activity have been developed, but the problem of improving learning activity as characteristic of personality in chemical education has not been resolved. The theoretical and experimental research allowed us to develop the pedagogical model for improving learning activity of students. Development of reproducing activity re-quires stimulating motives for learning. Motives «interestingly» and « usefully» are very help-ful for this aim. Improving of interpretative activity requires that success in learning was achieved. The concept of cognitive strategies is very useful to improve a creative activity. We should understand that there is difference between «cognitive strategy» and «method». «Method» is a particular way of doing something. «Cognitive strategy» is a mental technology of thinking. We tried to help all teachers realize the model. We had formulated 7 simple rules with the aim of improving learning activity of students.

Keywords :

learning activity, development, methods, teaching chemistry

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Cite as :

Akhmetov, M. (2012). Razvitie poznavatel''noj aktivnosti uchashhihsja v obuchenii himii [The development of students’ learning activity through the teaching chemistry]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 9(2), 43-59.