DOI: 10.48127/gu-nse/08.5.47a

Author's Information
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Alina Palionienė
Irena Kompauskienė

Kindergarten „Saulutė“, Pakruojis - Lithuania
Kindergarten „Saulutė“, Pakruojis - Lithuania



Volume/Issue :
Volume 5
Issue 2

Article type :

Case study

Page No :


Abstract :

The exploratory activities from the early age are very important because then the stages of knowledge grow and develop, and also the basic elements of the discursive thinking appear together with them. According to V. Lamanauskas (2004), it is important to include every child from the very beginning into the active action of the nature study, and to evoke the desire to find, to know and to explore. The teachers of Lithuania conceive the importance of the exploratory activities and, according to the inventory of standards of pre-school teaching, have produced the programmes. Such programmes allow the individual teaching and apply principle and technologies of teaching (learning) to the chosen basis of teaching philosophy. The Pakruojis kindergarten “Saulute” seriously noticed the importance of peculiarities of the region and using the integrate opportunities in the nature teaching. The planning performs in view of the age of children, their needs, peculiarities of the group, selecting toys, methods, range of the material, etc. According to the environment, the planning of all teaching process performs: activities for all group, for small groups of the children and individual activities. The teaching process includes the principle of humaneness, integration, individual, the creation of the environment, the planning and the organisation of the teaching process. “The room of the nature” is an integrate axis that guarantees the natural teaching. Its tools are mobile, informative, different and numerous. In the “room” there are a lot of material about plants, animals and nature, games, corners of the light, the sand and relax, the library, the Internet, etc. Teachers organise the educational projects that show the peculiarities of the region; use the integrate activities with art, mental development and etc. It is important to collaborate with the school because common studies help to find the teaching (learning) gaps. In the article there is a project of the kindergarten “room” with activities of the nature study for one year. The equipment of the separate “nature room” guarantees wider, more creative, more informative space for the development of children`s understanding about the nature.

Keywords :

principle of teaching, the integration of rooms for games and activities, peculiarity of the region, technologies of teaching (learning), natural environment of teaching

References :

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Cite as :

Palionienė, A., & Kompauskienė, I. (2008). Gamtamokslinio ugdymo(-si) sąlygų išplėtimas ikimokyklinėje įstaigoje [Extension of the possibilities of science education in the establishment of pre-school education]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 5(2), 47-53. https://doi.org/10.48127/gu-nse/08.5.47a