DOI: 10.48127/gu-nse/07.4.05b

Author's Information
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Palmira Pečiuliauskienė

Vilnius Pedagogical University - Lithuania


Volume/Issue :
Volume 4
Issue 3

Article type :

Original article

Page No :


Abstract :

Applying ICT in teaching practice is little researched. The studies focusing on the subjective factors of ICT application in educational practice of natural sciences are very rare. The investigation may include motivation for pedagogical work, the need for continuing studies, different experiences of applying ICT etc. The problem of research has been determined by such preconditions as the present situation of applying ICT teaching natural sciences during pedagogical practice and subjective factors determining the latter educational phenomenon. The goal of research is to analyse the use of ICT in natural science education concerning the subjective factors defining this educational phenomenon. The object of research is ICT application in natural science education. The techniques of literature analysis, questioning and mathematical statistics have been applied to conduct research. 300 students carrying on teaching practice in natural sciences have been surveyed. The following subjective factors marking ICT application in educational practice of natural sciences have been established: the sex, learning experience gained in secondary school, the character of entering the university, the outlooks for future studies and motivation for pedagogical job. The number of male rather than female students using ICT in educational practice in natural sciences is gradually increasing. The students having previous experience gained in the last two years of studies in upper secondary school more frequently and efficiently apply ICT in practice. Professional motivation for pedagogical job has no relations with applying computers in educational practice.

Keywords :

educational practice, natural science

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Cite as :

Pečiuliauskienė, P. (2007). IKT taikymas gamtamoksliniame ugdyme atliekant pedagoginę praktiką: situacija ir ją lemiantys veiksniai [Applying ICT in natural science education within teaching practice: The present situation and determining factors]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 4(3), 5-12.