DOI: 10.48127/gu-nse/06.3.24

Author's Information
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Onutė Gervienė

Slienavos Basic School, Kaunas district - Lithuania



Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 1

Article type :

Case study

Page No :


Abstract :

Self-expression is characteristic to any student and planning a drama lesson a teacher’s task is to make it very important for the student. If it turns out to be a success students will have an inner wish to improve their knowledge. The method of drama is one of the means to educate students seeking positive changes. The essence of this method is to feel the interrelation with the technology, the process of changes by means of drama signs. Drama method enables to develop abilities giving special tasks to the students with individual character and aptitudes. Each student has an opportunity to improve and seek higher level at a certain pace. Drama method is based on differentiation, the students have excellent possibilities to evaluate themselves, make conclusions, suggest technologies and make decisions. This article is an attempt to touch upon some examples how the method of drama helps to arouse students’ motivation for a peculiar subject. Besides, a teacher always tries to find links between students’ personal experience and the topic of the lesson so that the students could demonstrate their knowledge, attitude, thinking and opinion by means of drama method. All things considered, it is possible to state that the use of drama method in any lesson is a powerful tool to improve knowledge, feel open to cultural variety and establish social relations.

Keywords :

biology teaching, drama method, natural science education

References :

Brown G. I. (1990). Human Teaching for Human Learning. New York: The Viking Press.
Butkienė G., Kepalaitė A. (1996). Mokymasis ir asmenybės brendimas. Vilnius: Margi raštai, p. 298
Geniušas J. (1929). Dramatizacija ir įscenavimas – mokymo auklėjimo priemonė. Kaunas: Spaudos fondas. P. 135
Lukšienė M. (1992). Atsinaujinimas // Mokykla, Nr. 9.
Tapinienė V., Eigminienė D. (1997). Dramos mokytojų žodis // Mokykla, Nr. 1–2.
Tarvydas S. (1936). Aplinkotyros ir daiktų pažinimo metodika. Kaunas.

Cite as :

Gervienė, O. (2006). Dramos metodo panaudojimo galimybės ir realizavimo prielaidos biologijos pamokose [Ways of using drama method and preconditions to realise them at biology lessons]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 3(1), 24-31. https://doi.org/10.48127/gu-nse/06.3.24