DOI: 10.48127/gu-nse/06.3.50

Author's Information
Author Institutional affilation - Country Author's Email Author's ORCID

Vasilij Krasitski

Belarusian State University - Republic of Belarus


Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 1

Article type :

Case study

Page No :


Abstract :

School chemical experiment plays a very important role in the process of chemistry teaching. It increases learning effectiveness of teaching material, develops pupils’ cognitive activity and forms interest in the subject. Some teachers, however, decrease the share of the chemical experiment in the teaching process, motivating this by the lack or absence of the necessary reagents at school, and for the reasons of safety and responsibility for pupils’ health. Therefore, the problems of supplying school laboratories with reagents and the safety of chemical experiment are topical. This article describes original simple and safe methods of preparing some important reagents from the substances and materials that are available in school laboratories. The proposed methods will assist teachers, when necessary, to solve the problem of the lack of some reagents independently. Safe method of obtaining ethylene can be also successfully used in pupils’ experiments.

Keywords :

chemistry teaching, chemical experiment, safety

References :

Nöding S., Flohr F. (1979). Methodik, Didaktik und Praxis des Chemieunterrichts. Heidelberg.
Wich P. [On-line], [20/03/2006]. Available on the Internet:
Umweltschutz und Sicherheit. [On-line], [20/03/2006]. Available on the Internet:
Bibliothek der Experimente. [On-line], [20/03/2006]. Available on the Internet:
Chemie 9. [On-line], [20/03/2006]. Available on the Internet:

Cite as :

Krasitski, V. (2006). Shkolnyj himicheskij jeksperiment: bezopasno, dostupno i nagljadno [School chemical experiment: Safe, simple and visual]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 3(1), 50-56.