DOI: 10.48127/gu-nse/06.3.43

Author's Information
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Margarita Vilkonienė

Siauliai University - Lithuania


Volume/Issue :
Volume 3
Issue 1

Article type :

Case study

Page No :


Abstract :

The requirements of Lithuanian Natural Science Education standards for a primary school are quite difficult to implement. The conducted research has demonstrated that natural science education of the primary school graduates in Šiauliai city and Šiauliai region did not correspond to national primary natural science education standards (Vilkonienė, Vilkonis ir Lamanauskas, 2005). Some researchers (Klimienė, 2001; Lamanauskas, 1996) maintain that the planned results can be achieved through integrated teaching. In their opinion the objectives and the tasks of natural science education can be implemented through regular and optimal usage of the content of various teaching subjects. The content of native language education contains the activity called subject text reading. Choosing subject texts it is purposeful to consider their content. It is an excellent possibility to integrate the knowledge of natural science into the content of native language education. Reading, discussion and the analysis of the writings presented in the article during the classes of native language would enable effective integration of the points of natural science education. The article also contains the fragments of natural science education standards, which could be purposefully used as a basis for organising integrated education/self-education, and the proposed information sources, which could be purposefully used by pupils and teachers, searching for the answers to the arisen questions.

Keywords :

natural science education, linguistic education, integration, sources of additional information

References :

Bendrosios programos ir išsilavinimo standartai: priešmokyklinis, pradinis ir pagrindinis ugdymas. Vilnius, 2003.
Klimienė J. (2001). Žvilgsnis į integruotą mokymą // Pradinis ugdymas žengiant į III tūkstantmetį: mokslinė metodinė konferencija, skirta pedagogikos fakulteto 40-mečiui. Šiauliai. P. 71–72.
Lamanauskas V. (1996). Mokyklos siekis: integrali asmenybė // Mokykla. 2. P. 30–32.
Lamanauskas V. (1999). Integruotas gamtamokslinis ugdymas: teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai. Šiauliai: Šiaulių universitetas.
Varnagirienė V. (2004). Pasaulio pažinimo vadovėlių pranašumai ir trūkumai // Pasaulis vaikui: realijos ir perspektyvos: tarptautinės mokslinės konferencijos medžiaga. Vilnius. P. 200–207.
Вилконене М., Вилконис Р., Ламанаусас В. (2005). Качество естественнонаучного образования в началбной школе Литвыi: ситуация и перспективы. Болонский процесс в математическом и естественнонаучном образовании: тенденции, перспективы, проблемы. Сборник статей медлународной конференции. Петрозаводск, КГПУ.

Cite as :

Vilkonienė, M. (2006). Gamtamokslinio ir kalbinio ugdymo integravimas panaudojant gamtamokslinės informacijos šaltinius [Integration of natural science and linguistic education using natural science information sources]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 3(1), 43-49.