DOI: 10.48127/gu-nse/20.17.58

Author's Information
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Eleonora Melnik

Petrozavodsk State University - Russia


Volume/Issue :
Volume 17
Issue 2

Article type :


Page No :


Abstract :

For the system of education in many countries of the world, the end of the school year 2020 was disordered by the appearance of a new virus - COVID-19. A big number of people being infected, made it a necessity to use distance learning tools in the majority of educational institutions. It is clear that for the younger age students according to their physiological and psychological development peculiarities, it is necessary to use all sense organs – seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching in the process of learning. In practice it means that for the given category of children, for successful cognition of the world, it is necessary not only to see learning subjects, but also according to their possibilities to touch them, to smell them and to taste them. Complex understanding about the surrounding environment of a contemporary student is a combination of a real and virtual components of his life and activity. And, the more place virtual space occupies in a child’s intellect, the more positive is seen the involvement of a real natural component in their cognition of the surrounding world. One has to combine and develop the work with the textbook, i.e., theoretical knowledge, with the practical abilities and skills of the younger age students in mastering natural science subjects. Therefore, thematic excursions, research works, activities in nature are very important for the younger age students. Knowing the surrounding world of one’s own concrete place of living, a small part of the world, and establishing relationship between human and nature, a child acquires common understanding about the whole world.

Keywords :

educational process, distance teaching, science education, surrounding environment

References :


Cite as :

Melnik L. E. (2020). Sovety k izucheniju estestvoznanija v uslovijah pandemiji [Tips for teaching science subjects under pandemic conditions]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 17(2), 58-60.