DOI: 10.48127/gu-nse/20.17.85

Author's Information
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Rita Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė

Vilnius University - Lithuania


Volume/Issue :
Volume 17
Issue 2

Article type :

Case study

Page No :


Abstract :

Both in Lithuania and abroad, a lot of natural science contests, quiz shows are organised for primary school students. By these events it is sought to motivate the participants, to provide knowledge, to deepen it and expand, to develop research work abilities and skills. Research aim – to analyse and generalise the contest “Lithuanian naturalist” theoretical part task answers, to ascertain what concepts (domestic or scientific) dominate in the contest participant works, to find typical mistakes made by students, and to present recommendations to the teachers. Research sample. Twenty-eight 3rd – 4th form students from 14 different Lithuanian schools, that is, 14 teams (the team consists of two students). Activity sheets were used for the research, in which 10 tasks were presented. An evaluation instruction was prepared for result evaluation. Slides were shown for the students while presenting the tasks. Team members worked in pairs. It was established that the 3rd and the 4th form students were able to make nutrition chains, could explain what it starts with, to ground, why. Contest participants correctly defined what a predator was, and what a victim was. Students had a sufficient understanding why predators were necessary in nature. Students lacked the ability to read the task to the end, attentiveness helping to discern the features. A typical mistake was noticed: part of the students the concepts of an insect and a beetle used as synonyms. Domestic concepts happened to be used. The participation in such contests, and the ability of organisers to lead the students through the science cognition way not only motivates them, but also allows them to believe in such activity meaningfulness. It is experienced how much I know, and together it is felt that still there is where to develop. Having introduced the teachers with the contest tasks, and having discussed with them students’ made typical mistakes, use of concepts, having presented methodological advice how to analyse one or another topic, what methods to use, one can hope for more thorough primary school students’ dialogue with science.

Keywords :

natural science knowledge and understanding, natural science contest, abilities, primary school students, activity sheet tasks

References :

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Cite as :

Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, R. (2020). Pradinių klasių mokinių gamtamokslinio raštingumo raiška nagrinėjant temą „Organizmų mitybos ryšiai ir prisitaikymas prie aplinkos“ [Primary school students’ natural science literacy expression analysing the topic “Organism nutritional relationships and adaptation to the environment”]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 17(2), 85-99.