DOI: 10.48127/gu-nse/20.17.124

Author's Information
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Darinka Sikošek

University of Maribor - Slovenia


Volume/Issue :
Volume 17
Issue 2

Article type :

Original article

Page No :


Abstract :

The methodical approach presents the proposals of didactic-methodological planning of curriculum password "Fields in the periodic system" for the needs of the key components of teaching & learning process. The didactic-methodological proposal of each of the current macro-didactic components of the learning process includes the following didactic elements: chemical terms, method / method’s password, didactic tool, didactic material. For each macro-didactic component, it is planned to use one of the methods from the author's "methodic hexaplet", defined by the didactic formula ADDGPS: Analogy-Drama-Dance-Game-Pantomime-Socratic dialogue. The dance method is used to acquire the concepts of atomic orbitals and electronic configurations of the elements. The macro-component repeating involves the role-play method used to implement the Expeditionary Visit of PTE by using the Identity card of the element. Both methods of quiz conversation method according to Socrates and the Small PTE cells are used for evaluation. The use of all the mentioned methods is evaluated in terms of the competencies that must be mastered by the teacher, as well as the competencies that the student acquires when performing an individual method.

Keywords :

Periodic table of elements; chemical terms; ADDGPS methods (Analogy-Drama–Dance-Game-Pantomime-Socratic dialogue)

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Cite as :

Sikošek, D. (2020). How to still recognize the periodic table of elements: The proposals of didactic and methodological planning. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas / Natural Science Education, 17(2), 124-138.