DOI: 10.48127/gu/22.28.23

Author's Information
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Rita Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė
Diana Miklaševičiūtė

Vilnius University - Lithuania
Children Art Studio "Diemedis" - Lithuania

Volume/Issue :
Volume 28
Issue 1

Article type :

Case studies

Page No :


Abstract :

In 2022, general programmes were updated, therefore, we had a goal – “to test” some of the topics of the world cognition textbook being prepared for grade 3 (YES series) in a real class of third graders, to make sure what content is suitable, and what needs to be corrected, excluded or supplemented, so that these topics also correspond to the age of the students, and the new science education programme in primary school. Two world cognition lessons were organised for the 3rd grade students, thereafter, they were analysed and discussed. By observing and analysing students’ activities, methods, ways of working, what results were achieved, it is possible to identify whether the content is appropriate for the children of this age, what difficulties can be experienced in the activities, etc. The content studied about the digestive and circulatory systems was interesting and engaging for the third graders. The students created the model of the digestive system faster than expected. Visual materials, teacher’s explanation, model creation and the continuous information exchange creating it, allowed the students to memorize and understand the food pathway. It was not difficult for the students to understand the meaning of the circulatory system, to name what it is made up of, to describe the functions of the organs. Creating a model of the heart’s work motivated and involved the students, however, when faced with difficulties, the students were disappointed. Therefore, in the world cognition textbook, being prepared for class 3 (YES series), the idea arose to adjust the description of the heart action model, to make it a little simpler and to provide more detailed advice in the teacher’s book. All these observations and discoveries made in the lessons are significant for improving the topics of the textbook on the digestive and circulatory systems. On the other hand, research – practical activities are not necessarily successful, sometimes they have to be repeated. Each failure develops patience and diligence – necessary qualities of a researcher and develops parts of cognitive competence – ability to learn, problem solving.

Keywords :

model creation, primary school students, science lesson, world cognition

References :

Kazlauskienė, A., Gaučaitė, R., Pocevičienė, R., Masiliauskienė, E., Vilutienė, R., Norutienė, L. (2014) Pradinių klasių mokinių kūrybiškumo ugdymas sprendžiant praktines problemas. [Developing the creativity of primary school students in solving practical problems]. Metodinė priemonė, Vilnius, Eugrimas.
Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, R., Varnagirienė V., Žemgulienė A. (2022). Pasaulio pažinimas. Vadovėlis 3 klasei, 1 dalis. (Serija TAIP). [Knowledge of the world. Textbook for class 3, part 1. Series YES, Šviesa.
Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė R., Varnagirienė V., Žemgulienė, A. (2022). Pasaulio pažinimas. Mokytojo knyga 3 klasei. (Serija TAIP). [Knowledge of the world. Teacher's book for grade 3, Series YES], Šviesa.
Švietimo ir mokslo ministerija. (2008). Pradinio ir pagrindinio ugdymo bendrosios programos [General programs of primary and basic education]. ŠMM.
Švietimo, mokslo ir sporto ministerija (2022). Gamtos mokslų bendroji programa [General program of natural sciences]. ŠMSM

Cite as :

Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, R., & Miklaševičiūtė, D. (2022). Pradinės mokyklos trečios klasės mokinių pažintis su žmogaus kūno organų sistemomis [Primary school third grade students' acquaintance with human body organ systems]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 28, 23-35.