DOI: 10.48127/gu/18.24.05

Author's Information
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Milana Beišienė
Rasa Damulytė

Nursery – kindergarten of Tauragė ,,Kodėlčius“ - Lithuania
Nursery – kindergarten of Tauragė ,,Kodėlčius“ - Lithuania


Volume/Issue :
Volume 24
Issue 1

Article type :

Original articles

Page No :


Abstract :

We live in an environment rich with various micro-organisms. A lot of germs fall in our hands every day. Various viruses and bacterial infections are spreading through the unclean hands, what can lead to serious health risks. Teachers of pre-school education have the responsibility to encourage young people to develop proper hygiene habits. The principles of personal hygiene must be implemented continuously on a daily basis, by offering suitable, acceptable and interesting forms of activity for children. In order to motivate the development of personal hygiene habits, the creative approach to the importance of clean hands were emphasized: interesting researches, explorations, experiments, moody hands washing motions were performed; various creative activities were offered by using the imagination. Particularly, children were the most motivated by activity through information technology. After carrying out explorations and experiments, the children concluded that there are a lot of germs on the dirty hands and that we are carrying them on foods in such a way. They were convinced that a lot of germs are found on non-greasy fruits and vegetables. The topic of invisible living organisms is very interesting for the children. Once again, it became clear that in order to understand the essence, the child has to study, experiment, explain, discover and learn it by himself. The children emotionally shared their observations, reasoned, focused, and solved the problems during the activities. Tasks, observations, tests gave a sense of pride and self-confidence, all of which it helped to grasp the importance of caring for the cleanness of hands. Children began to wash their hands thoroughly and shared the recipe for soap with their parents. They gave as a present their own made-up soaps for their little friends in the kindergarten. It is likely that all activities will have a positive impact on the formation of children's healthy lifestyle. Additionally, adults must be an example to follow for a healthy lifestyle.

Keywords :

microbes, healthy lifestyle, clean hands, explorations, experiments, creative activity

References :

Užkrečiamųjų ligų ir AIDS centras (2015). Kviečiame pasitikrinti žinias apie rankų higieną [We invite you to get knowledge about hand hygiene]. [interaktyvus], [žiūrėta 2018-02-25]. Prieiga per internetą:
Užkrečiamųjų ligų ir AIDS centras (2017). Pasaulinę maisto dieną primena, kaip svarbu plauti rankas [The World Food Day reminds you how important it is to wash your hands]. [interaktyvus], [žiūrėta 2018-02-25].
e- Bug. (2017). Rankų higiena [Hand hygiene], [interaktyvus], [žiūrėta 2018-03-12]. Prieiga per internetą:

Cite as :

Beišienė, M., & Damulytė, R. (2018). Sveikos gyvensenos gebėjimų ugdymas ikimokyklinėje ugdymo įstaigoje [Healthy lifestyle skills education in the pre-school educational institution]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 24, 5-12.