DOI: 10.48127/gu/17.23.76

Author's Information
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Rita Vaitiekauskienė

Rokiškis Juozas Tūbelis Progymnasium, Lithuania


Volume/Issue :
Volume 23
Issue 1

Article type :

Original articles

Page No :


Abstract :

Young Farmers‘ Clubs have their own history in Lithuania. They functioned actively in interwar Lithuania. After restoration of Lithuania‘s independence, such farmer clubs have existed for years in the regions of Rokiškis and Pasvalys. Although currently there is no high demand for agriculture careers, young farmers‘ clubs have not lost their relevance. On the contrary, they provide especially advantageous circumstances for youth education according to challenges faced by modern versatile educational process. The author‘s insights are based on the experience and results got while working with primary school students in the young farmers‘ club. The summary of the experience how creatively teachers realize the content of the club‘s activities according to the principles of General programmes of Primary and Basic education (2009) is provided in the article. Working with the partners (Regional Farmers‘ Associations, Agricultural Services and Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania) the relationship between club members and the closest natural, sociocultural and economic environment is established, educational programmes not only enrich students‘ experience developing valuable attitude towards the native country, its heritage, as well as the variety of the world, but also raise students‘ awareness of fragility of various forms of life and develop ecological self-consciousness. Students analyse natural materials, observe processes in nature, thus they use theoretical knowledge practically checking information provided in different sources. Evaluating the results students can easily notice the relationship between cause and effect and improve their general competency. Knowledge gained in a practical way nourishes mind, body and emotions, it is transferred to the abstract level. Club members harmoniously share activities despite the difference in age, learning capacity and style , both genders and special needs. Young Farmers‘ Club activities contain a lot of space for interdisciplinary integration. Enterprising activities are revealed for students participating in local and national fairs. The major factor is that there are children who highly enjoy these activities.

Keywords :

general competency, youth education, Young Farmers‘ Club

References :

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Cite as :

Vaitiekauskienė, R. (2017). Jaunųjų ūkininkų ratelių veikla: šiuolaikiškai įvairiapusio ugdymo realizavimo galimybės [Young farmers‘ clubs (YFC) activities: Possibilities of realization of contemporarily multifaceted youth education]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 23, 76-91.