DOI: 10.48127/gu/17.23.109

Author's Information
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Dagnija Cēdere
Sandra Kalniņa

University of Latvia, Riga - Latvia
University of Latvia, Riga - Latvia


Volume/Issue :
Volume 23
Issue 1

Article type :

Original articles

Page No :


Abstract :

Assessment is an important component of education quality assurance in higher education institution. The type and form of assessment depend on different factors. The use of tests in assessing the academic achievement is an effective method that ensures the objectivity of the assessment. The Chemistry course acquired by students of different science specialities of University of Latvia envisages the assessment of students’ laboratory works. The current experience shows that the academic staff finds it difficult to evaluate objectively student’s knowledge and skills when assessing the laboratory work according to the protocol handed in by the student after the work. The aim of the study is to find an effective method of assessing the academic achievement that could provide objective assessment of student’s laboratory work. In order to reach the aim, the suitability of the Moodle tests contained by the e-learning environment to the assessment of laboratory works in chemistry was explored. Each test has been compiled according to the aim and objectives of the laboratory work and it includes both reproductive and analytical tasks. The participants of the study were 112 first year students – the future biologists and optometrists. The comparison of the test marks with marks that students had in test works and examination allows concluding that Moodle tests are easily applicable in assessing students’ academic achievement in laboratory works. The test assessment gives objective information about students’ understanding of the laboratory work, the gained knowledge and deduction skills. The assessment process takes little time and provides operative feedback both to students and the academic staff.

Keywords :

laboratory works in chemistry, assessment, tests, e-learning environment Moodle

References :

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Cite as :

Cēdere, D., & Kalniņa, S. (2017). Testy v srede Moodle dlja ocenivanija uchebnyh dostizhenij v laboratornyh rabotah po himii v vuze [Moodle tests for assessing the academic achievement in chemistry laboratory works in higher education institution]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 23, 109-115.