DOI: 10.48127/gu/17.23.23

Author's Information
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Virginija Kriaučiūnaitė

Vilnius Gabija Gymnasium - Lithuania


Volume/Issue :
Volume 23
Issue 1

Article type :

Original articles

Page No :


Abstract :

When students graduate from the primary school, they face a new educational system based on a variety of subjects. Therefore, it is a necessity to teach them some skills of creativity, responsibility, especially initiative and independence in order to adapt to the contemporary school. The fifth graders of Vilnius Gabija gymnasium are always invited and encouraged to participate in doing natural science researches on their own. Moreover, they are able to choose the topic of their work independently. Of course, the students are welcome with their questions and are often advised by a teacher as they work with scientific projects during classes. In addition, family members are really enthusiastic and eager to help their children. As a result, it leads to the improvement of atmosphere which surrounds students. Furthermore, the fifth graders can choose themselves if they do a research project individually or in groups. Consequently, the final projects are presented in a lesson and classmates evaluate each other according to some criteria. First of all, students who listened are asked to name two things that were new and useful for them. Secondly, they provide two things that they really enjoyed about the presentation. Finally, students recommend each other what can be improved in the presented work. It is necessary to note that it stimulates students to become self-initiative and independent because they gain some peers` support and recognition. This kind of presentations teaches to listen to each other, formulate questions, express opinions and think critically. Students also practise to speak in public and are motivated to be responsible for the their initiative. Thus, a student`s initiative to choose a particular aspect of a research work is a great background for the future personal improvement.

Keywords :

independent self-initiative, fifth grade students adaptation, natural science research work

References :

Baleišis E., Dagienė R.,Grinkevičius K., Lozdienė A. (2005). Eureka! Gamtos mokslų vadovėlis 5 klasei.Vilnius.
Balnionytė R. (2010). Ką turėtų žinoti penktokų mokytojai ir tėveliai. [interaktyvus], [žiūrėta 2017-03-17]. Prieiga per internetą:
Druskininkų „Saulės“ pagrindinės mokyklos „Penktų klasių mokinių adaptacija“ 2015–2016 m. m. (2016). Druskininkų „Saulės“ pagrindinė mokykla, [interaktyvus], [žiūrėta 2017-03-17].Prieiga per internetą:

Cite as :

Kriaučiūnaitė, V. (2017). Savarankiškos iniciatyvos ugdymas penktoje klasėje, atliekant gamtamokslinius tiriamuosius darbus [Fifth graders` education of independent self-initiative in the process of natural science research]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 23, 23-28.