DOI: 10.48127/gu/17.23.17

Author's Information
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Rūta Jacevičienė
Nijolė Zlatkauskienė
Irena Vežbickienė

Vilnius Kindergarten „Bitutė“ - Lithuania
Vilnius Kindergarten „Bitutė“ - Lithuania
Vilnius Kindergarten „Bitutė“ - Lithuania



Volume/Issue :
Volume 23
Issue 1

Article type :

Original articles

Page No :


Abstract :

The development of environment protection cognitive education is one of the main goals at pre-school institutions. Humans are bonded to the nature and surroundings from the birth. Words like “ecology” or “organic lifestyle” to many people is a matter of fashion either theoretical statements nowadays. However children do not need words, but beautiful everyday examples instead, so they could build own fundamental understanding and develop their lifetime skills. At first, child gets to know the World in his closest environment like himself, family, and nursery and also through nature observations. At our pre-school groups children have the most favourable opportunities to see and get to know the nature through the number of various activities and environment protection events. When organising environment protections events (e.g. Quiz), we pay attention to details, so each task encourages child’s interest, develops his thinking and problem solving skills and motivates child to share own experience and findings with class friends. Children’s encouragement and incorporation into the cognitive process develops children’s cognitive competency skills, which they practice through activities at the environment protection events. At the environment protection event we always link children’s knowledge with their abilities. It means that child must be encouraged to see the close relation between the current and new knowledge either abilities. At the environment protection events we always aim to encourage children to deliberately tackle tasks. Thoughtful, interesting and innovative event helps to achieve our aims. At these events it is very important to introduce environment protection rules to children in a way that captures their interest, brings joy and helps children to discover new things, so each step becomes a beautiful journey towards human kindness to nature.

Keywords :

cognitive competency, environment protection education, quiz, cognitive education development

References :

Billioud J. M. (2008). Apsaugokime Žemę: didieji aplinkosaugos tikslai [Protect the Earth: the great environmental objectives]. Vilnius: Baltos lankos.
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Cite as :

Jacevičienė, R., Zlatkauskienė, N., & Vežbickienė, I. (2017). Gamtosauginių renginių įtaka vaikų pažintinės kompetencijos plėtotei [Environment protection events’ influence on children’s cognitive competencies development]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 23, 17-22. https://doi.org/10.48127/gu/17.23.17