DOI: 10.48127/gu/17.23.95

Author's Information
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Zinaida Žvinklienė

Pakruojis Nursery School-Kindergarten Vyturelis - Lithuania


Volume/Issue :
Volume 23
Issue 1

Article type :

Original articles

Page No :


Abstract :

With the rapid changes in the society and technologies, the attitude towards a child, his education and development at a pre-school education institution is changing as well. The children's brain structure is changed so much that they are able to adopt and perceive visual information faster and easier. While educating children we should take into account the special features of "internet age" children for to better adopt the curriculum to children's needs and learning style. Information technologies help to visualize the ideas and concepts that are difficult to understand, they also help to look with the naked eyes deeper into the invisible world. Therefore, it is important to engage children, teachers and parents with new technologies and their potentials in exploring the living and inanimate nature, to feel the joy of new discoveries. Systematic and targeted surveillance, explorations, experiments and their analysis provide a better quality to children's education and development. Children are becoming more initiative, creative, their vocabulary fills with new words, their speaking skills are trained better, as well as touch, sight, smell, logical thinking skills, they also learn to count, compare, analyse, to concentrate, to present their research versions, discuss, make conclusions independently and they learn to work in a team.

Keywords :

pre-school age, modern technologies, „Internet age” children, observation and exploration, electron microscope, imaging technique, teamwork, processing exploration results

References :

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Cite as :

Žvinklienė, Z. (2017). Vaizdinimo metodo taikymas, ugdant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų gamtamokslinius pradmenis [Applying visualization techniques in the science education for pre-school age children]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 23, 95-103.