DOI: 10.48127/gu/16.22.121

Author's Information
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Liudmila Korozhneva

Petrozavodsk State University - Russia


Volume/Issue :
Volume 22
Issue 1

Article type :

Original articles

Page No :


Abstract :

The article analyses the possibility the technology of critical thinking development in primary education in the area natural sciences. The purpose of primary education is developing of the pupil's personality. One of the most significant ways to achieve the goal of education is various educational technologies. The article reveals the technology of critical thinking development, the essence of critical thinking, the basic concepts of the technology of critical thinking development, stages and methods of implementation of the technology of critical thinking development. The technology of critical thinking development involves the organization of autonomous activity of primary school pupils when studying new information. The technology of critical thinking development is characterized by a system of interconnected stages. The article presents the results of the research revealing the opinions of teachers on educational technologies. Moreover, the article describes the series of the lessons of the natural sciences, where the technology of critical thinking development is applied. The results of the research showed the possibility of realization of technology of critical thinking development in primary education.

Keywords :

an educational technology, the learning technology, the technology of critical thinking development, primary education

References :

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Cite as :

Korozhneva, L. (2016). Tehnologija razvitija kriticheskogo myshlenija v nachalnom obrazovanii [Technology of critical thinking development in primary education]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 22, 121-128.