DOI: 10.48127/gu/16.22.97

Author's Information
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Danguole Saviciene

Visaginas City “Verdenes” Gymnasium - Lithuania


Volume/Issue :
Volume 22
Issue 1

Article type :

Original articles

Page No :


Abstract :

In this report, I would like to share the example of good work practice - idea of research in teaching primary school students “Healthy lifestyle” subject. This subject is included in world cognition classes from first to fourth grade and includes several parts. One of them - “Healthy diet”. In order to interest my students in “Healthy diet” subject and teach the benefits of protein for growing organism, I suggested to conduct a research on insectivorous plant. My goal was to make pupils learn about the benefits of protein for growing organism by using practical method (with playful elements) which is appealing for the students. The purpose of the research was to investigate which products can be digested by Dionaea muscipula. While in the process of the research to water the plant with distilled or rain water, document the events. Raised hypothesis: the Dionaea muscipula will digest only food which contains mostly protein. The result of the research: cottage cheese was digested for 3 days, fresh chicken - 10d., cheese 5d., boiled egg white - 9d., fresh fish - 6d., fresh beef - 3d., boiled beef ball - 9d., greek nut was not digested, the same is for white bread. The conclusion of the research: chicken was the longest to digest (10 days), the shortest digestion time was for fresh beef and cottage cheese (3 days). No digestion occurred with white bread and greek nut. Raised hypothesis was confirmed: the delicate Dionaea muscipula digested human food, which contained the protein. At the end of the research, together with students, we created education film - “Dionaea muscipula feeding ration investigation”, which not only interested the students of other classes, but also summarized and solidified the subject of “Healthy diet”.

Keywords :

insectivorous plant, learners` research, subject motivation, healthy diet

References :

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Urbonienė L. (2016). Sveikos gyvensenos pagrindai, arba ką mes žinome apie sveiką gyvenseną. Prieiga per internetą:

Cite as :

Savičienė, D. (2016). Tiriamosios veiklos reikšmė motyvuojant mokinius, nagrinėjant temą „Sveika mityba“: „Jautriojo musėkauto (lot. dionaea muscipula) maisto raciono tyrimas“ [Research significance for student motivation while teaching “Healthy diet” subject: “Dionaea muscipula feeding ration investigation”]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 22, 97-105.