DOI: 10.48127/gu/16.22.40

Author's Information
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Gintarė Jurgaitienė
Silvija Kazakevičienė

Vilnius Balsiai Progymnasium - Lithuania
Vilnius Balsiai Progymnasium - Lithuania



Volume/Issue :
Volume 22
Issue 1

Article type :

Original articles

Page No :


Abstract :

In November, 2014 Deputy Head Teacher for Primary Education Gintarė Jurgaitienė visited Newcastle upon Tyne, where she observed Erasmus + KA1 project activities at various schools. Now she is successfully putting the British school experience in outdoor learning and forest schools into practise at Vilnius Balsiai Progymnasium. The 2015-2016 school year project „A Forest School“ at Vilnius Balsiai Progymnasium is being carried out by four pilot classes. Once a week integrated outdoor lessons in accordance with integrated learning themes and by a separately arranged timetable are organised for the students in grades 1-4. Project "A Forest School" objectives:  to provide all students with the opportunity to explore and analyse the living and non-living natural phenomena in natural conditions and to integrate this gained experience into other subjects learning;  to enrich students' artistic and linguistic expression;  to create the conditions where students could observe and explore in nature;  to strengthen the immune system and to enjoy the fresh air. The project „A Forest School“ at Vilnius Balsiai Progymnasium - is a great idea to conduct integrated lessons in the outdoor environments. This project encourages the students' willingness to travel, to know, to discover, to develop their practical activity skills. By carrying out different activities students have the opportunity to develop their current experience and acquire new experiences. Such activities are interesting and attractive to students and stimulate them to look for innovations, to explore, to know, to discover, to make decisions, to experiment, to observe, to communicate and cooperate with each other, to narrate, to talk, to solve problems, students gain new experiences and take responsibility for natural objects in their immediate environment.

Keywords :

best practices, innovative education, integrated lessons, outdoor learning

References :

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Cite as :

Jurgaitienė, G., & Kazakevičienė, S. (2016). Projekto „Miško mokykla“ įgyvendinimas Vilniaus Balsių progimnazijos 1–4 klasėse [„A forest school“ project at Vilnius Balsiai progymnasium in grades 1-4]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 22, 40-47. https://doi.org/10.48127/gu/16.22.40