DOI: 10.48127/gu/15.21.71

Author's Information
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Goda Stonkuvienė

Vilnius Nursery-Kindergarten ,,Pipiras“ - Lithuania


Volume/Issue :
Volume 21
Issue 1

Article type :

Original articles

Page No :


Abstract :

The method of the project, like most of activities integrational method is described emphasizing educated competencies, excluding many needed meaningful assumptions to educate personal skills, personal features, stimulating its active position in the aspect of the analysed problem. Nature protection, ecological environmental education field, which is related to real knowing nature environmental, to protect and take care with related activities, seeking to cherish for children moral values and habits of behavior in interaction with nature and it is very favorable educational projects to aim it already in pre-school education process. In the article is described the expierence of project „EKOtrain“, emphasizing its idea and organizing educational aspects in pre-school groups for children, also it is given detail EKOtrain route, by which children traveled and solved important ecological environmental problems. At the stations of childrens activities included environmental fields as: saving of electricity energy, water saving, recycling, ecology in the mode of life. Participation in the project had impact for developing various competencies because there was raised problematical questions, stimulating them to talk, tell, communicate between them, observe, examine, experiment, to take desicions. While children were traveling by EKOtrain,they experienced a lot of fun and happy moments. Project also encouraged the society of institution to join this project. EKOtrain idea is developing and realising in the other age group activities. In this project actively participated and parents, micro districts parish where was the exhibition of childrens works, which were made during project.

Keywords :

the method of project, projectal activity environmental educations (saving of electricity energy; water saving; recycling; ecology in the mode of life) field.

References :

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Cite as :

Stonkuvienė, G. (2015). Projekto ikimokyklinukams „Ekotraukinys“ organizavimo edukaciniai aspektai [The organising educational aspects of projects for pre-school childrens “Ekotrain“]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 21, 71-79.