DOI: 10.48127/gu/24.30.61

Author's Information
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Kristina Valienė

Kindergarten „Rūtelė“, Plunge - Lithuania


Volume/Issue :
Volume 30
Issue 1

Article type :

Case studies

Page No :


Abstract :

The article discusses the aspects of integrating the topics of education of sustainable living and development strategy into the daily activities of the preschooler. Preschooler’s acquired knowledge and built habits of sustainable living remain further at school, if supported by family. Therefore, it is extremely important to apply the methods of sustainable living in teacher’s everyday activities and to introduce such educational activities which would become effective and applied without additional efforts. The habits of sustainable living at kindergarten “Rūtelė” in Plunge are being built following personal experiences by creating educational routine and including the main aspects of sustainable development strategy, such as: saving and conservation of environmental, natural and other resources, expansion of biological varieties in the territory of the kindergarten, socioemotional education, daily physical activity and healthy nutrition. Educational activities are being planned with the reference to the principles of the sustainable living, the basis of which is the perception that School is a consonant community, fostering ecology and health favourable ideas, as well as respect to a person and nature.

Keywords :

sustainable living, strategy of sustainable strategy, preschool education, competence of natural sciences, recycling, organic nourishment, food waste

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Cite as :

Valienė, K. (2023). Tvarios gyvensenos ugdymas ikimokykliniame amžiuje [Education of sustainable living of pre-school children]. Gamtamokslinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje / Natural Science Education in a Comprehensive School, 30, 61–76.